Gratis Ebook herunterladen Respect for Acting
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Respect for Acting

Gratis Ebook herunterladen Respect for Acting
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'This fascinating and detailed book about acting is Miss Hagen's credo, the accumulated wisdom of her years spent in intimate communion with her art. It is at once the voicing of her exacting standards for herself and those she [taught], and an explanation of the means to the end' - "Publishers Weekly". 'Hagen adds to the large corpus of titles on acting with vivid dicta drawn from experience, skill, and a sense of personal and professional worth. Her principal asset in this treatment is her truly significant imagination. Her 'object exercises' display a wealth of detail with which to stimulate the student preparing a scene for presentation' - "Library Journal"'Uta Hagen's "Respect for Acting" a relatively small book. But within it, Miss Hagen tells the young actor about as much as can be conveyed in print of his craft' - "Los Angeles Times". 'There are almost no American actors uninfluenced by Uta Hagen' - "Fritz Weaver". 'This is a textbook for aspiring actors, but working thespians can profit much by it. Anyone with just a casual interest in the theater should also enjoy its behind-the-scenes flavor' - "King Features Syndicate".
"Uta Hagen wanted us never to settle, period, to keep on endlesslyexploring, digging deeper, and aiming higher in our scenes, in ourplays, in our careers. Respect for Acting is not a long book, andwith any luck, it will take you the rest of your life to readit."—David Hyde Pierce (from the Foreword) Legendary actress and teacher Uta Hagen knew that an actor'sfinest work was often achieved for love rather than for money. Shelived this philosophy alongside her husband, Herbert Berghof, at HBStudio, their acting school in New York. It was there that theycreated a workplace and spiritual home for actors such as RobertDeNiro, Jack Lemmon, Anne Bancroft, and Bette Midler.Respect for Acting is Hagen's blueprint for the actor,her design for "enlightened stage acting." This classic book hashelped generations of actors hone their craft, and its advice is asuseful now as it was when it was first published. Hagen draws onher own struggle with the techniques of acting as well as herdecades of teaching experience to break down the areas in whichactors can work and search for realities in themselves that servethe character and the play. This approach helps actors to bespecific in their actions in order to communicate an artisticstatement. Hagen's instructions and examples also guide theaspiring actor through practical problems such as "How do I talk tothe audience?" and "How do I stay fresh in a long run?"Part One, "The Actor," deals with the actor's concept ofhim or herself, as well as techniques that set an actor in motionphysically, verbally, and emotionally.Part Two, "The Object Exercises," offers specific anddetailed work for the actor, covering a broad range of problems andcircumstances, from making an entrance to using the FourthWall.Part Three, "The Play and the Role," covers how toapproach the play and identify with the character the actor willundertake. It also shares practical thoughts and answers thequestions young actors ask most.Uta Hagen's influence endures in many of today's most compellingstage and screen performances. Informative and inspiring,Respect for Acting will bring her timeless techniques toactors and audiences for years to come.
Alle Produktbeschreibungen
Gebundene Ausgabe: 240 Seiten
Verlag: John Wiley and Sons Ltd; Auflage: 2nd (16. Juli 2008)
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN-10: 0470228482
ISBN-13: 978-0470228487
Größe und/oder Gewicht:
14,7 x 2,8 x 21,8 cm
Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:
5.0 von 5 Sternen
3 Kundenrezensionen
Amazon Bestseller-Rang:
Nr. 67.731 in Fremdsprachige Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Fremdsprachige Bücher)
Hier liest man die Erfahrungen einer Schauspielerin und ihrem Schauspielstil. Man erhält einen Einblick in die Schauspielwelt und wie die praktische Arbeit an einer Rolle bzw einem Spielstil aussieht. Ein muss für jeden, der sich mit diesem Thema beschäftigen und die verbreiteten Thesen in der Praxis kennen lernen will.
When I first read Respect for Acting, I was amazed at the authority with which Ms. Hagen wrote her book. The more I read, though, the more I began to understand this authority. Incorporating basic acting concepts, individual "object exercises," and methods for working on a character in a play, Respect for Acting deserves the praise it has received for being one of the "best books of its kind on the market." I particularly enjoyed the specificity of the writing, and the means by which Ms. Hagen explained every statement she made. A brilliant piece of work.
I had the pleasure of seeing Ms. Hagen in the Off-Broadway production of "Collected Stories." This gave added significance to her book and all of her insights into the art of acting. Watching her on stage was a once-in-a-lifetime experience - as in the book, her presence and her every action and utterance were mesmerizing.
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